Please donate using one of these options...
On Line Donations
Click on the JustGiving logo and you will be taken directly to our dedicated Just Giving page. There you will be able to make either a one-off or monthly payment of any amount and you will be able to pay through credit/debit card or PayPal. You can also automatically request your donation qualifies for Gift Aid*
Bank Payments
If you would like to make a donation directly to Rory’s Well please use BACS for payments and add your name as reference for our charity funding:
Acc name: Rory's Well,
Sort code: 20-98-68
Acc no: 63253627
IBAN no: GB44 BUKB 2098 6863 2536 27
Acc name: Rory's Well,
Sort code: 20-98-68
Acc no: 63253627
IBAN no: GB44 BUKB 2098 6863 2536 27
Gift Aid
Please don't forget to let us know if we can claim the tax on your donation via the Gift Aid scheme; it will boost your donation to Rory's Well by 25%!
If you are a UK tax payer and would wish Rory's Well to reclaim the tax that you paid on the sum you are donating, this will cost you nothing and it will be an invaluable help to our funds. Please do one of the following:
1. If donating via Bank Transfers please email us with your name and address including postcode confirming that you are a UK taxpayer, that you would like Rory's Well to claim Gift Aid on your donation and that you understand the tax implications of the Gift Aid claim*
2. If donating via JustGiving, indicate your donation qualifies for Gift Aid*
3. If sending a cheque, then complete the form supplied here (please also add in your email address) and post it to: Rory's Well, The Keepers, Symn Lane, Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 7BD
If you are a UK tax payer and would wish Rory's Well to reclaim the tax that you paid on the sum you are donating, this will cost you nothing and it will be an invaluable help to our funds. Please do one of the following:
1. If donating via Bank Transfers please email us with your name and address including postcode confirming that you are a UK taxpayer, that you would like Rory's Well to claim Gift Aid on your donation and that you understand the tax implications of the Gift Aid claim*
2. If donating via JustGiving, indicate your donation qualifies for Gift Aid*
3. If sending a cheque, then complete the form supplied here (please also add in your email address) and post it to: Rory's Well, The Keepers, Symn Lane, Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 7BD
*PLEASE NOTE: In order for your donation to be eligible for Gift Aid, you must be a UK taxpayer and pay more tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year. If you have not paid enough tax to cover the Gift Aid claimed, you may be asked to pay the difference in tax personally, by HMRC.
Thank you!
Contact usWe are always looking for new ideas and funding to help us
with Rory’s Well - if you feel you could help in anyway, please get in touch! If you would like more information about Rory’s Well contact us at: [email protected] |
Rory's Well charity is based at: